Where Death Comes Uninvited

Where Death Comes Uninvited

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Recommended for mature audiences - may contain adult situations and themes
Recommended for mature audiences – may contain adult situations and themes

Content Advice: This audio drama serial contains horror themes, the murder of children, character deaths, violence, and zombies.


Jim Wilkes, former U.S Marshall, drifts into town to become the new Sheriff, but all is not as it should be.  When he arrives, the town is in mourning, many of its children having been killed in a fire at the schoolhouse/church.  He greets a wall of suspicion against outsiders, the spectre of multiple unsolved murders, strange and unnatural events, and a saloon keeper that seems to rule the town with an iron fist.  In his quest to confront the evil power behind the town he must recruit allies, discover the frightening source of the towns wealth, prevent an indian war, and pass through death itself.  Can he do so before death has a chance to claim the entire town?   Tune in to “Where Death Comes Uninvited” and shudder as weird western horror is uncovered.

About the Author

Philip Craig Robotham grew up in a house full of books and has held numerous jobs as a teacher, computer programmer, graphic and web designer, e-learning consultant and, most recently, writer. He currently lives in Victoria, Australia with his wife and two sons. When he was younger and fitter he enjoyed martial arts, but in recent years his hobbies have tended towards more sedate fare (board games, movies, books, and role-playing games).
He is extremely grateful for the encouragement he receives from his biggest fans — his wife and two boys — all of whom read and enjoy his scripts and, in general, make his life worth living.


CC by-nc-nd 4.0
CC by-nc-nd 4.0

This post and all its content is copyright © 2013 Philip Craig Robotham and has been released under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) license. This serial cannot be reproduced, shared, or performed commercially without the written permission of the author. The production of derivative content, merchandise, or creative works and materials is expressly forbidden under this agreement. However you may share, reproduce, and perform this serial freely so long as authorship is acknowledged, no money changes hands, and the plays are not modified in any way.

You can contact the author regarding performance rights (or simply to say hello) through his website: https://weirdworldstudios.com.

Don’t forget to check out the titles we have for sale (along with free samples) at https://weirdworldstudios.com/product-category/our-products/ .

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