For the main course — Detective’s Minced Beef with Egg Garnish (serves 8)
This themed recipe is for an authentic dish cooked in the United Kingdom during Victorian era of the late 1800s.
- Two pounds (900g) of minced steak
- One small onion
- Eight hard-boiled eggs
- Six or eight minced or finely chopped mushrooms
- One glass of port wine
- A half pint (240ml) of stock
- Two ounces (56g) of flour
- Two ounces (56g) of butter
- A little minced parsley
- One teaspoonful of grated orange rind
- Bread crumbs
Method: Heat the butter in a pan and then brown the finely chopped onions. Add the flour and when brown add the wine and stock. Boil for two or three minutes, then add the orange rind, steak and mushrooms, lemon juice and seasoning to taste; simmer for a further three quarters of an hour. Press the yolk of the eggs through a fine wire sieve. Pile the cooked mince together in the centre of a dish and cover with the powdered yolk. Place some rounds or diamonds of toasted bread which have been buttered around the outer base of the dish and cover with finely chopped eggs. Place the dish into an oven to heat through. Just before the dish is served sprinkle with chopped parsley.
This recipe is in the public domain and may be used freely.